
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Bunny, Bunny, RABBIT!

Since Easter is a taboo subject at our county library system, I decided to host a rabbit/bunny themed storytime for this week before Easter.

We read ...


I know rabbits are considered pests in the garden and they reproduce like bananas, but I just can't resist them ... those little bunny faces chewing furiously while occasionally rubbing their eyes with their paws ... WHO can deny that face anything?
Here is a cute bunny photo :

... and another one :
I rest my case.
OK, back to storytime!
I shared a very silly rhyme which included a subtle commentary on rabbits, er, reproduction prowness. I sang it to the tune of "Frere Jacques" :
Gail and Sue had two little rabbits
(put two index fingers up, on top of head)
Two little rabbits,
Two little rabbits,
Gail and Sue had two little rabbits
Bing and Bong
(dip each finger down on the name)
Gail and Sue had four little rabbits
(show two fingers of L and R hand)
Two little rabbits ...
Ding and Dong
Six little rabbits ...
Ping and Pong
Eight little rabbits ...
Sing and Song
Ten little rabbits ...
Gail and Sue had ten little rabbits ...
Our friend Peter Rabbit made an appearance with this silly song from my co-worker Anna over at Future Librarian Superhero :

The words were put up individually on the flannel board. After singing the song through once (to the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic") I replaced the red words with question marks ... I let the kids help me figure out which words were missing as we sang the song. I then replaced the red words, but not in the proper location (which was tricky ... I ended up with "Little Fly Rabbit had a Nose upon his Peter" ... this elicited giggles from the parents, but the kids were blissfully unaware of my off-color word placement).
To end our storytime, I "performed" the all-too familiar song "Little Bunny Foo Foo" using the rabbit puppet and mice finger puppets from Folkmanis, and a fancy tiara and wand.
Remember ... the moral of the story is : "HARE today, GOON tomorrow!"
(yuk yuk yuk).
This was our handout today, to encourage playing the "Little Bunny Foo Foo" game at home. Please print for at-home use only.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Do You Know Your ABCs and 123s?

Counting and Letters!
Storytime today focused on the alphabet and numbers.

Here are the books that we shared :
For the Lois Ehlert book, we played an "I Spy" game.
I put a bunch of flannel fruits and veggies up and we tried to figure out what might be on each page of the book. You can do this at home too -- read the book, and try to find things you might have in your cupboard or fridge that match the letters and pictures on the page. Try to find other foods that might fit in with each letter as well!

Do you know the A-B-C song?
Do you know the backwards A-B-C song?
Try this out!

Our last story today was Splash by Ann Jonas
I had a great prop courtesy of Book Props (unfortunately, this title is no longer in stock) that was a great way to practice counting while telling a silly story.
Here is the handout I had available to accompany the book -- this is for at-home use only. Please duplicate only as needed.

 Happy counting and reading!